Stop Worrying About Your Competition. Do These 3 Things Instead.
Stop Worrying About Your Competition. Do These 3 Things Instead.When you’re building a startup, it can be tempting to worry about competitors — especially the big companies running your industry.But you have to focus on what you can control: moving quickly and looking...
Todd Belveal on the Mission Matters Podcast
Todd Belveal on the Mission Matters PodcastIn a recent podcast interview, I shared how “Washlava Innovates the Shared Laundry Experience.” Listen to my interview with Adam Torres of Mission Matters and hear how I developed Washlava and Silvercar. I also take a deep...
Silvercar by Audi Named The Best Car Hire Company for Travel in 2021 by Conde Nast
Silvercar by Audi Named The Best Car Hire Company for Travel in 2021 by Conde NastI’m pleased to see that Silvercar by Audi has made the top of Conde Nast Traveller’s list for best car rental companies for 2021. According to Auto Rental News, “companies were rated on...
Think Investors Care About Your Idea? It Really Comes Down To Your Team.
Think Investors Care About Your Idea?“Investors invest in people, not ideas.” You’ll hear that advice everywhere as a founder. And for good reason — it’s usually true.Founders tend to fall in love with their ideas. It’s hard to stay objective and see the project...